Thursday, October 15, 2009

smartboards sprinkled with raspberry custard kuchen.

so. i baked something tonight for the first time since... approximately...
a long time ago.
i don't bake.
but. our sociology class (what a joke) is having a culture fest, and we have to bake something that represents our culture. i'm german, and german eat kuchen. (cake.)
anyways, i just pulled it out of the oven and had a little sample.
and i have to admit, it made me want to bake more. not to be egotistical or anything but it was that good. and by bake more i mean bake more food, not just kuchen.

also, another little sociology story for you.
we are studying norms, and how people react to people that break them. so one of our labs was to break the norm. i chose to wear a different shoe on each foot. the funny thing is, is some people honestly thought i decided to wear them purposely for no reason at all. haha. i laughed. i think i will be doing that more often.

i've also come to the decision that i want to purchase a smartboard.
today in physics i drew a frog. with my finger. isn't that cool? answer: yes.
so santa clause, if you are reading this, please take notes.

i took a little trip to the new target today with my dearest friend atones. anyways. i'm still bitter at them. earlier this year i had an interview to possibly work at this said target. the lady was oh so impressed by me that she told me she wanted to set up an interview for me to work in the starbucks. (i was PUMPED.) she told me she'd be giving me a call asap.

what happens?
no call. no call. and still.. no. call.
no call means no job. :( no job means no money.

tresstress is rejected not only from juice stop, but from target as well. ouch.

i decided to therefore never set foot into this said target.

ha. but i did today. and what do a see?! starbucks. with all these stupid people working there.
so answer me this, if the stupid people get the job, what does that make me?
sad, that's what.

time for glee/so you think you can dance.
i mean homework.

i bet you know which one i'll choose. ;)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

the night dedicated to being a pile.


the name's tressa. i like to consider myself one of a kind. that and beyonce.

anyways. consider yourself lucky to be reading these wonderful works of art.


so today was a good day.
1. i didn't have to drive 85 mph to arrive to band on time and i didn't freeze my bum off. and we ended up getting out 3 minutes early. we even ran the show today. whoop whoop.
2. hearing good girls go bad in the wee hours of the morning always puts me in a better mood.
3. i made all state chorus.
4. the awesome picture atones and i took for the bo photo contest. we're positive we will be getting stickers and signed posters any day.
5. custom made converse are officially ordered.
6. i already opened a christmas present (which was a BOdacious shirt. i know, you are jealous. i'm wearing it tomorrow. watch out.)
7. i had cheesy bread for supper.
8. no homowork tonight.
9. therefore, making this my first night officially dedicated to being a pile. i'm stoked.
so far, i'm not liking this though, because i have this urge to want to accomplish something, seeing as how it is 8 p.m. i decided to accomplish something that isn't really anything worth accomplishing: this blog.

ha. also, i have a feeling this will be a good substitution for facebook, which i've decided is nothing special anymore. the only thing worth getting on facebook for is to take ridiculous quizzes that have annoying spelling errors and incorrect results.

i forgot to add that today is also a good day because tomorrow is friday!
which means:
1. it's friday.
2. it's fpf.
3. it's friday.
4. no pep band.
the rest yet to come.

so. today, the bomb was dropped on me in honors 11. "tressa, sometimes i worry about you."
uhm. what? (note: this was said while highliting my left hand.)
there is nothing wrong with that. it is a cool sensation, i highly recommend it. and then. afterwards, it's a hoot to see people's reactions as you give them high 5's. sorry to all those scared today.
anyways. it was dear mrs. sittig that said this. later tonight, while hanging out with atones, she informs me that mrs. sittig told her, "man, that tressa sure is a talker."
WHAT?! i talk, but not that much! i'm stressing about this. conferences are next week and i have a feeling my mother will find out about this.

i also just found out that the website that i got all my "free ringtones" from isn't free anymore...
ohhhhhhhhhhno. this is bad news. very bad news.

but i refuse to end this on a bad note: my mother made cookies tonight for the band trip. i just had one, and i basically just came in my pants. for all those that may eat my mother's cookies this saturday, beware... >:)

About Me

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like a magpie, i live for glitter. not you.