Wednesday, November 24, 2010

slimy, yet satisfying.

first weather related early dismissal today. excellent start to my thanksgiving weekend.
however, i forgot how much i dislike ice. i spent 15 minutes scrapping that ish off my windshield after school today. it's a good thing i live 73 seconds from the school now.... haha, actually it's not that big of deal because i drive a tank of a vehicle (jeep.) that can handle whatever weather is thrown into it's windshield.

on another note, i have a point to blogging this time...
how the lion king influenced/relates to my life.
i had the extreme priviledge of watching it last weekend after watching the most horrendous film ever screened (splice. this is a fair warning. DO NOT WATCH. your eyes will bleed and your mind will forever be seared with horrible images)

also, before i get started, i ask you not to judge..... seriously.
1. simba, to me, was very attractive. (no, i do not have a fetish for animals...) i basically had a mini crush on him and wanted to be his best friend. or boyfriend. haha. i was extremely jealous of nala... for obvious reasons. except when i was little, i only thought simba was cute when he was a little lion, and not a big lion. however, after watching it last weekend, i find big simba just as attractive now. again, no judging.
so basically. i wanted simba to be my first boyfriend. sadly, this did not happen.

2. as much as i hated the hyenas (cuz they help with scar, therefore automatically making them evil.), i couldn't help but want to be their friends. let's face it. they have funny jokes, and laugh a whole lot more than necessary.... story of my life.

3. hakuna matata! first off, second favorite scene in the movie. (first being can't wait to be king. duh.) second off.... you know how pumba and timon eat bugs? ok, obviously haha. well. those bugs looked and still look HIGHLY appetizing. so. around the age of 4, as i watching this movie i came to the conclusion of wow. bugs look tasty, "slimy, yet satisfying!" so what happens the next day while playing with chalk on my driveway the next day? i see a centipede. "slimy, yet satisfying!" runs though my head. i pick it up. i place it in my mouth. i chew it. it did not taste like chicken, and it was not "slimy, yet satisfying." oh and no worries. it was dead. probably fried up by the sun.
so, if i hadn't ever watched the lion king, i probably never would have eaten that bug and wouldn't be in this place today if it weren't for that bug.
ha jk lolz.

those are the top 3 ways the lion king has influenced my life. i hope you were highly entertained by me spilling my inner childhood secrets to you.
love, timba.
(if you didn't catch that, it's simba and tressa put together.... ;) )

Thursday, November 11, 2010


so i happened to restumble onto my blog again.

so many things have happened i don't even know where to start....

i think i last left off at... oh yeah. night before the first last day of school.

right now, senior year has been awesome. and stressful at the same time.

i think i'll just sum up each month...


i got hired at juice stop, my dream job. only problem, i worked every minute i wasn't either a.) dancing b.) schooling c.) fall show practicing d.) sleeping/eating/breathing. it was horribly stressful.

marching band was rocking and rolling, and we started learning pieces for our show (january 15, 2pm and 7pm at the orpheum: the princess, the sheik and the swordsman/chicago blues and red dancing shoes) i got the lead in chicago blues and red dancing shoes :) :) :) guess what my characters name is? sassy. awesome, i know.


extremely nice weather.

extremely busy.

lots of mband competitions.

made homecoming court! couldn't believe it. homecoming week was definitely a blast. we got a hummer limo for after coronation. 4 15" subs in the back. enough said. here's a pic of court, and i got the priviledge to be escorted in by my bestie josh. :)
lost our homecoming football game to roosevelt :/
marched the best marching band show ever at FOB finals, but placed 8th. couldn't believe it. it was always colder than hades heart that night.
got let go at juice stop, because i couldn't work the required 15-25 hours. to be honest, it was a huuuuuge relief.
fall show.... came together at the very last minute, like usual. lots of fun.
and then! all state choir in aberdeen :)
t'was a blast, however, we didn't get to leave a day early due to a snow storm, like last year. my quartet was awesome, yet again. (josh, elliYOT, and haley. wooooot.)
creepy, yet funny story. the tenor that sat in front of our quartet, who i swear, was 6 years old, was a creep. he constantly turned around, so the afternoon rehearsal of the first day, josh and i decided to make a tally of how many times he could turn around in a 4 hour period. we guessed around 100 times. wrong. after hour 2, he had turned around 122 times. thats sick. he would turn around while singing, whenever i said a comment to josh, whenever i sneezed, whenever josh hiccuped... the epitome of a creep. by supper time, the tally finished out at 187. grossed out? you should be. he figured out halfway through we were keeping a tally of something... but josh told him it was a hiccup count. big lol.
and now, november.
nominated for the mock presidential election by my class, and had some epic commercials. you should check them out here just scroll down til you find my name :)
but... apparently kyle had better commercials, cuz he ended up winning it. he put wayyyy more time and effort into it than my class did, so i wasn't too let down.
it was 70 degrees last weekend! ridiculous!! i love it though, i'm definitely not complaining.
i officially bought my formal dress today :) i'm very happy with the purchase, and can not wait to wear it. i, however, need to aquire a date asap. i'm not too worried, though.... haha.
and in the very near future.
as in, next week. i'm going to the harry potter premiere! woo woo woo wooooo! i'm so pumped.
there. all caught up now?
i'm sure i'll be back to fill you in on more detes in a month or two. or three.

About Me

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like a magpie, i live for glitter. not you.