Sunday, February 28, 2010

is there such a thing as junioritis?

i'm blogging 2 days in a row. this will probably never happen again.

anyways. i woke up to my alarm completely sweaty. because i had an awful dream. i was being chased by bears off a cliff. it was way more scary than it sounds. haha.
after that i zipped off to church to sing songs with little kids. this turned out to be awful, because my friend miranda was at her grandma's. which meant no guitar. which meant crazy kids. which meant tressa went darn near insane. but don't worry, i didn't go insane. i instead went to church and saw the cutest darn baby there ever was. he was chubby and had spiky hair. and his name was rigley. now, i understand that he's not gonna like his parents when he gets to his 40's and his name is rigley, but my gosh. HE WAS SO ADORABLE.

i also went sledding this afternoon. win.
and my sister spelt GAY in the snow. you could read it from the highway. funny.

so tonight i got a weird craving for frooties. you know, fruit flavored tootsie rolls, except better? yeah, so i went to hyvee to the candy aisle to find my little treasures and what happens?
no frooties.
so i just purchased a big bag of blow pops, 2 heath bars, and a york patty. can't go wrong there i guess.

also, i've caught senioritis. and i'm not a senior. i can only imagine how lazy i'll be when i am a senior. oh great.

in my last post, i stated how i have yet to find a prom date.
sometimes, i wish i was already famous, because famous people always get what they want. then i would be able to get a prom date and the dress of my dreams.
oh well...

i'll just tell the wonderful story of how i found my prom dress:

actually, i won't.
but here's a picture!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

good news.

hello boys and girls.

i woke up this morning feeling fantastic. which is funny, considering i got zip sleep last night.

i've got a huuuuge list of good news. brace yourselves:

-we got a superior and ensemble awards at one acts. and the judges told me i did a wonderful job.
-i went skiing in the black hills and only ate snow once! yay!
-peter pan auditions have come and gone. i got tiger lilly. i'm definitely pumped.
-i'm finally all caught up in all my school work.
-i've learned all the french to the habenera. my chorus solo piece. yikes. haha.
-i've had zip homework for the past 5 days. win.
-i was in the talent show last night. i did a dance routine, and didn't fall on my face.
-i found a prom dress. however, not a prom date...

anyways. i just thought i'd spread my cheery mood around the blogger community.

a further note:
bo comes in exactly 19 days. yes yes yes.

About Me

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like a magpie, i live for glitter. not you.