Wednesday, February 2, 2011

my future husband is in england.

second snow day in a row?! wooohooohooo!

breaking news everyone. but i have officially decided i'm over biology/nutrition. the world of music and musical theatre, brace yourselves. i'm still going to state for the first semester or two, just to get myself settled and on my own and get some generals done, but then after that i'm transferring elsewhere! i've already found a college in colorado i kinda like. haha, obviously it hasn't stuck out too much for me, cuz i can't even remember the name of it.

funny story. my grandparents spent a weekend over at my mom's a couple weeks ago. one of the conversations my mom and grandma were having were about my lack of dating in high school... mind you, i'm still in the room. my mom was trying to justify it as in i just haven't found anyone to my liking (which is partly true. the other part would be i enjoy being single much more and i'm just not a boyfriend girl.) my grandma could not grasp this concept, and followed up by saying, "ok, well. i'm sure she's just waiting for the fresh crop of boys at sdsu this fall! she's gonna end up coming home with a farmer boy from minnesota, i just know it."

excuse me, grandma? i love her to death, but on a serious note... HELL NO. farmer boys are cool and all, but i don't think so. my sass couldn't be contained so i followed up with "no grandma, my husband is in england."
"what? why england?"
"nice clothes. lean. intellectual. nice clothes. hot accent. polite. nice clothes."
needless to say, my grandma had no idea what to respond to that with. my mom laughed. ugh.

also, update on the one act! both of our show nights have been cancelled due to this winter weather storm... :( poop. i really enjoy those nights. but i also really enjoy not having school for two and a half days. haha. and i don't have to attend school tomorrow and friday, cuz it's STATE ONE ACTS WOO! yeah. i'm pumped.

anyways, i'm off to go work out. because i just put together a kick butt workout playlist on my ipod. haha.

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like a magpie, i live for glitter. not you.