Tuesday, March 30, 2010

let's go tanning?

my prom dress has yet to make an appearance.
prom is exactly 18 days away. hopefully no alterations are needed.
that is, if it even comes.

over the past week and a half, my stomach has been doing weird things. i can't eat anything without getting a stomachache afterwards. and then it gets extremely bloated. for every single meal, this is how it's been. my mom thinks it might be just a case of nausea, but i don't know. i'm thinking i'm in need of a doctor visit.

today in honors, i sat down in my chair and fell off. then bumped my noggin on the chair next to me. i have a bump on my head. haha, not my most impressive story but whatevs.

also, it excites me greatly to be watching tv and see new episodes of afv. i've seen all the episodes multiple times. i'm planning on sending in a video, as soon as i get a funny one some how. hmm...

quarter 4 has officially started.
it was 75 degrees today.
i wore sandals for the first time last week.
i painted my toe nails.
--it's spring time, that's for sure :)

and i almost forgot! i went tanning for the first time yesterday.
as terrible as it is for you, it was awesome.
i went with my good ol' friend mirds. she had never gone tanning either.
so we went to YRB and had this extremely tan girl show us how to work the beds.
it's easy:
1. get nakes/put lotion on within the 5 min prep timer.
-i had this sparkling, yummy smelling lotion. i love it.
2. put on tantoo sticker, if wanted.
-i did the classic heart one.
3. set radio.
-i forgot to do this, i had more important things to think about.
4. push blue button, then climb on in.
-i climbed in, but then i figured the top would automatically come down. not.
5. put glasses on.
-i had glasses without string, so i could see outta the corner of my eyes. i was afraid my eyeballs would burn off, so i kept them shut the entire time.

apparently that's all you have to do. but i was worried i forgot to set a timer or something, so i counted the entire time i was in there for 6 minutes. i got to 4 mins and 30 secs then the bed shut off. i figure i counted to slow. haha.

anyways. i felt fan-freakin'-tastic afterwards. why did i not go tan like once this winter?! i felt like i was on a beach or something. and you can already see my tantoo. yippee.

oh, and don't worry, i'm not going to become a tan bed addict. i promise. it's just to break through my iridescent whiteness for prom.

off to go screw around some more.
and by that i mean creep on facebook. haha.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

what's funny?

prepare yourselves for an epic post!

k, so bo finally! came.
it. was. awesome.
words can't even describe how awesome march 17, 2010 was.
anyways his show was hilarious.
but the best part was when he started to play "i'm bo yo." and i leaned over to ali and said yes! really loud. (we were in the front row. win.) bo stopped playing, looked at me and said
"but you know, all the chords to my songs are all the same, so how do you know what song i'm going to sing?" and then broke out into single ladies.
for all of you that don't know, I LOVE BEYONCE.
it was like a dream come true.
afterwards we waited around hoping bo might come out.
turns out, he did!
we walked over and introduced us as the "girls off of youtube. you told us we ruled" ect. ect.
then asked if he got the bo knows shirt we sent him.
he did.
then he signed my shirt and i got a picture with him.
my life's been completed, in other words.

here's the lovely pic of all of us in our kick ass shirts and bo towering over us.

and another update from my last post, i did indeed find a prom date. mrs. sittig won't have to feel bad. haha.

also, then weather has been superb up here. (minus today, haha.)
i can't wait for summer.

19 days til opening night of peter pan.
70ish days til summer.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"who can touch t-lilly the most?"


extremely tiresome week. but guess what? we have a late start tomorrow! and not one due to weather! this is the best news i've gotten in a long while.

while on the subject of weather, i feel it important to note that march did indeed come in "like a lamb." it's been +35 degrees this entire week! which, sadly, means it will go out "like a lion." or in other words, a snow storm. fml.
let's see if this word of wisdom holds true...

tuesday night i went to a physics extra credit movie. we watched finding nemo. how does finding nemo relate to physics, you ask? don't ask me. haha. anyways. it was fun. we pushed the desks up against the lab tables and brought pillows and blankets and tons of candy. and then laughed at completely not funny portions of the movie. yay for mature people. ;) i ended up falling asleep in the end.

lately, i've been working on the "habenera" from the opera carmen for my chorus solo. turns out, french kicks my butt. solo contest is in exactly 11 days. and i have yet to memorize. crap crap crap.

also. it appears to me that i have fallen in love with a 9 year old, caden.
ok, not really. but he is so gosh darn cute. he's one of the lost boys in peter pan, and he reminded me of a caucasian version of russell. (you know, off of up?) k, well, i love russell. therefore, i love caden. but whenever i see him and say, "hi caden!" he gives me a dirty look and runs away. it's true love i tell you. haha. actually i hear he's quite the little bully. my friend julia's little brother, mason, told me caden beats him up. que asco. :(

speaking of peter pan, today i was sitting in the auditorium next to bridget and melissa waiting for our scenes, when i suddenly feel a poke. i turn around and see this little boy scurrying away from me. little whykus leans forward and tells me the lost boys have created a game of "who can touch t-lilly the most." just my luck. so i now have little kids constantly trying to poke me.

and you know whats not kicking my butt now? physics! i got an -a on my test yesterday! wahoo!

13 days till bo.
89 days (including weekends) until school is out.
life's not too bad after all, i guess. :)

wait. i just remembed tomorrow is friday. and friday is the day i was planning on asking someone to prom.... shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
another story: today in honors, mrs. sittig was getting ready to explain something so she started saying "boys..." then paused. i filled the pause by making the most credible gagging noise ever, to which some people started laughing at. but to my horror, mrs. sittig turns to me and says, "now tressa! do you even have a prom date?"
*cue tressa's cheeks to turn bright red.*
i shake my head. she looks back at me and says, "ohhh! well. you're pretty! ha ha..."
*and then under her breath she adds*
"man oh man, i'm going to feel awful if you don't get a date."
great. please wish me luck.

anyways. i'm going to go register for the april ACT, order my prom dress, and order some new dance clothes. then read my new seventeen. just my kind of night.

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like a magpie, i live for glitter. not you.