Tuesday, May 25, 2010



i just had to blog my excitement real quick. the end.

blogging during school is more fun.

everyone. i'm blogging at school.
it's the last day of legit school.
tomorrow is just the academic awards. and then there's a small chance i might have to take a trig semester test. hopefully not.

summer is basically so close, i can taste it.

so this morning we practiced pomp and circumstance in band for graduation this sunday. i teared up a bit, cuz i realized the next time i hear this after this weekend, i'll be walking into graduation.
a quick story.
the band plays processional (pomp and circumstance) when the graduates walk in, and then a recessional when they leave. this remedial kid asked why we played the recessional, and not just the processional for the beginning and the end. seriously, kid? seriously? can you please use the brain god gave you? thanks.

i have +15 graduation parties to attend this saturday. my mom doesn't believe me, so i have to write out every single one i'm attending. honestly mom, it's just grad parties. i'm not gonna go have sex, get crunk, and do drugs. seriously. i'm smarter than that.

anyways. i just wanted to have the bragging rights of saying "i've blogged at school, sucker."
plus the bell's gonna ring.
off to my last school lunch of the year!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


i smell of suntan lotion and grass clippings.
because i just mowed the lawn.
it's a whopping 82 degrees right now, and the sun is shining bright.

if this is a preview to how awesome my summer is, i am so pumped.

starting the note off:
i made honors choir! i guess my tryout went alot better than i thought it did. i was one point away from scoring perfect on my solo (55/56), made 4 sight reading mistakes, and got 3/7 right on tonal memory, and then 100% on the written test.

tonal memory can go s a d.

i finally got more working hours in this past weekend. it's going pretty good, and i only sat a wrong table once :)

the only bad news i can think of is end of the semester stress. like always.
and i'm tired. like always.
and glee is not that exciting. not like always.
glee: come on, pull it together and start singing better songs. thanks.

a nap is calling to me...

Friday, May 7, 2010

i figured i should make one last post before i turn the big 1-7.
i love birthdays.
birthdays are my favorite.
especially when you have funny/really artistic friends, because the homemade birthday cards are the best then :)

but here's the thing. come a week or 2 before my birthday and the weather is superb. come the day or day of my birthday? poop weather. always. i just want some nice weather on my birthday for once! jeez!

on another note, i have 18 days left of being a junior. holy buck.

anyways, i have friends to do and plans to see.
wait a second...

Monday, May 3, 2010

i did the bv band awards potluck challenge.

just putting it down in the records:

i ate the most food i've ever eaten in my entire life in one sitting tonight.
*runs to the toilet and throws up.*

not really.
but i'm not gonna feel good tomorrow morning. at all. :/

k-dog announced next years marching band show tonight!

how awesome is that? and we're going to have props on the field. bv marching lynx never uses props...

also, the sky is a rainbow right now. and the clouds are doing this really cool swirly thing.
---i love the view out my window :)

i'm skidaddlin'. bye bye!

ps. 5 days and i can finally buy tickets to "R" movies.

i opened my first checking out today. i feel so grown up and responsible.
ha, but not really.
the people behind the counter were remedial, i swear. i was there for 34 mins.
my mom says i shouldve been in and out within 10. stupid people.

anyways. other things are calling to me...

Sunday, May 2, 2010


forewarning: this is going to be more of a rant, instead of a post.

first off, my sister can't take a joke at all. last night, i decided to show her my facebook love and comment on +30 of her profile pictures. and no, they weren't even all sassy remarks! they were nice, some sarcastic, you know... typical sisterly love. i click back to my facebook profile and what's posted?


from my sister.

i saw she was online, so i told her, hey, it was just joking around, nothing serious k?
she starts ranting at me saying she woke up due to +50 text messages from facebook.
well i'm sorry... maybe you should learn to silence your phone, and second off facebook mobile? you've gotten be joking me.
and then she responded with, just wait til i get you back, but not in the same way.

thanks, [censored].

also. my next topic of rant is the parade.
i hate the loyalty day parade with a passion.
everyone's always crabby and tired, and it's a long parade.
therefore my arms always hurt really bad, and my feet get blisters.

i just want to stay home sleep :( that isn't too much to ask for!

and we have a showing for our house today, which meant i had to hurry home and clean the house. so now the house reeks of chemicals, which is only good if you like getting high.
i don't.

but guess what? i turn 17 in 6 days. bazing!
fiddy fiddy cent ya'll.

About Me

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like a magpie, i live for glitter. not you.