Monday, May 3, 2010

i did the bv band awards potluck challenge.

just putting it down in the records:

i ate the most food i've ever eaten in my entire life in one sitting tonight.
*runs to the toilet and throws up.*

not really.
but i'm not gonna feel good tomorrow morning. at all. :/

k-dog announced next years marching band show tonight!

how awesome is that? and we're going to have props on the field. bv marching lynx never uses props...

also, the sky is a rainbow right now. and the clouds are doing this really cool swirly thing.
---i love the view out my window :)

i'm skidaddlin'. bye bye!

ps. 5 days and i can finally buy tickets to "R" movies.

i opened my first checking out today. i feel so grown up and responsible.
ha, but not really.
the people behind the counter were remedial, i swear. i was there for 34 mins.
my mom says i shouldve been in and out within 10. stupid people.

anyways. other things are calling to me...

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like a magpie, i live for glitter. not you.