Monday, April 26, 2010

don't make me over.

usually i post a title at the end of a blog. this time i'm posting it at the beginning, because it's the song i'm listening to, and i adore this song.

first off, it reminds me of someone. and this is stupid, because i've talked to this person only a handful of times. but it's a good song, and a funny person, so it's worth semi-dedicating this blog to that person.

i'm fretting about things right now. things like:

-texting. . .


-my messy room that i refuse to clean.

-chipped nails that i refuse to paint.

-my lost deodorant that i refuse to go on a hunt for. and that was a bad idea for today. haha.

ps, i don't even care if that was tmi. it's my blog, and i blog about what i want.

oh and i forgot to mention. the musical next year is 42nd St. i'm pumped. it's all set in the 1920's and with alot of tapping. i'll keep you updated if i read anymore information.

and i'd like to take this time to personally thank my dear friend mirds for things.

wanna see a really sassy picture of us? yes, you do.
turkey makes you sassy, i guess.
speaking of which. i forgot to mention how i basically wasted alot of food at turkey supper. because i thought i was really hungry, but then it turned out i wasn't.
...that's me being remedial.
i'm gonna go now...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

time flies when even when you aren't having fun.

guess what? i turn 17 in 13 days. just thought you guys would want to know.

also, i sang i dreamed a dream last night with the band.
my mom told me she never knew i could sing.
i found this ironic, considering i sing in the shower all the time.

this is the last week of april, and then the last month of school begins.
where did time go?
my stomach kind of dropped a little bit, because i don't like the endings of things.
but i do like the beginnings of new things, like summer. i'm gonna make this the best summer ever. i'm starting a to do list. if i feel like it, i'll maybe post it. don't count on it though.

but i guess we're going to bdubs. i haven't eaten in a good 17 hours. bye.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

the list consisting of things not to do. ever.

oh the weather outside is not frightful...
thank goodness. it's lovely out.

i made a list for you all, too.

never ever ever:
-wear black jeans on warm sunny days.
-eat wasabi peas.
-have a teacher ask why the inside of your bag is so interesting... cough cough.
-have a bfffffff leave for washington, dc. they're bound to never return.
-not go to bed...
-forget to clean litter boxes. yuck.
-lose your favorite pair of jeans.
-gauge your skin because you were shaving too quickly and carelessly.
-get an F on a physics test.
-drink and drive.
-and ditch class.

scratch that last one. haha. i did indeed ditch last period yesterday. only because it was band, and we had a study hall cuz goheen got food poisoning. no use sitting around when you could be home and sleeping right? right.

i gotta go paint my fingernails. and creep. and look for a new outfit for turkey supper. and take my sister to dance. and figure out when i'm working. and study vocab.

Friday, April 16, 2010

never wear a skirt on a windy day.

auditions suck.
i had honor choir auditions today.
they were good.
besides the fact that i forgot the second phrase of my solo, so i just repeated it.
tonal memory was way harder. but i do think i got a couple right.
sight reading was harder. but i think i got the relative minor right.

i can not believe i forgot my lyrics. again. it happened once at solo contest, i thought for sure it'd be the last time. guess not. oh well, i just kept singing so hopefully that helped me out.

also, the judge asked if i was in peter pan.
when i nodded and said yes, she added, "the one with the curley hair?"
i replied, "haha, yep. tiger lilly!"
she added, "excellent job! excellent!"

so... i'll get back to you when the results come in...

ps. i guarantee the entire world say my snoopy underwear today, due to the fact i wore a skirt on the windiest day of the year. my life rocks.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

faac you.

greetings from the most tired person in the world.
or close to the most tired.

it's my fault anyways, because i've decided to go to bed by 1 am this entire week. the week after musical. when did i become stupid? just recently, i guess.

the musical was indeed a success... and i'm patiently awaiting for the announcement of next years musical. i'll let you know as soon as i know. :)

first thunderstorm of 2010 was last night! it was excellent. big lightning, loud thunder, and pouring rain. yum.

prom's this weekend. i ironed my dress tonight. and found a couple of stains on it. just my luck, right? yeah. oh well, they aren't too bad... i hope. i practiced doing my hair how i want to do it prom day. it turned out sweet-ish, but took me 2 1/2 hours. i do not have that kind of time on saturday, considering i have dance from 930-1 that morning. and the pictures at 430. yikes.

also, i have a faacing stalker. someone left me a note on my car that said "this girl is hott." creepy, i know.

i'm off. ta ta.

Monday, April 5, 2010

bohemian rhapsody.

prom is exactly 12 days away. and my prom dress finally freakin' came. with no alterations needed. life loves me, but only sometimes.

speaking of prom, we settled on a restaurant we're going to eat at. grille26! i've never eaten there, but i guess it's excellent food, says my bffffffffff atones. and apparently it's also on the spendy side, said my date. so he told me to order cheap food. then he also told me he was kidding. haha, he's a funny person.

the play opens for it's first matinee on wed. i'm. so. pumped.
besides the fact that all the blood vessels in my left food popped today at practice, because some clumsy idjit fell over on me where i was laying. he also grabbed my boobs. but i'm used to that, so it didn't bother me too much.
i hope to god you got drift of my heavy sarcasm...

i got around to downloading some new tunes for the pod. which i was terribly afraid had broken, because it locked up on me. but it's all good now. i've decided my new favorite song is definitely bohemian rhapsody. i don't care if it reminds anyone of you guys (this is all hypothetically speaking of course....) of running around in circles during middle school gym class or shooting hoops in open gym, or a mexican bar on new year's eve. so just shut your faces and deal with it.

also, i was on the laptop for hours on end into the early hours of this morning last night watching youtube videos. one of the videos i happened to watch was lady gaga's latest music vid with beyonce. basically, lady gaga dances naked/in a thong and breaks outta jail with the help of beyonce. after that they go to a diner and kill everyone. WTF. and if you haven't watched it yet... watch it. now.

sorry to cut the blog short today, but i really need to go study for the act i'm apparently taking this weekend, do some trig, sleep... you know the drill.

and really, i'm not even going on facebook now. that's how much stuff i have to do.

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like a magpie, i live for glitter. not you.