Thursday, April 15, 2010

faac you.

greetings from the most tired person in the world.
or close to the most tired.

it's my fault anyways, because i've decided to go to bed by 1 am this entire week. the week after musical. when did i become stupid? just recently, i guess.

the musical was indeed a success... and i'm patiently awaiting for the announcement of next years musical. i'll let you know as soon as i know. :)

first thunderstorm of 2010 was last night! it was excellent. big lightning, loud thunder, and pouring rain. yum.

prom's this weekend. i ironed my dress tonight. and found a couple of stains on it. just my luck, right? yeah. oh well, they aren't too bad... i hope. i practiced doing my hair how i want to do it prom day. it turned out sweet-ish, but took me 2 1/2 hours. i do not have that kind of time on saturday, considering i have dance from 930-1 that morning. and the pictures at 430. yikes.

also, i have a faacing stalker. someone left me a note on my car that said "this girl is hott." creepy, i know.

i'm off. ta ta.

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like a magpie, i live for glitter. not you.