Wednesday, November 24, 2010

slimy, yet satisfying.

first weather related early dismissal today. excellent start to my thanksgiving weekend.
however, i forgot how much i dislike ice. i spent 15 minutes scrapping that ish off my windshield after school today. it's a good thing i live 73 seconds from the school now.... haha, actually it's not that big of deal because i drive a tank of a vehicle (jeep.) that can handle whatever weather is thrown into it's windshield.

on another note, i have a point to blogging this time...
how the lion king influenced/relates to my life.
i had the extreme priviledge of watching it last weekend after watching the most horrendous film ever screened (splice. this is a fair warning. DO NOT WATCH. your eyes will bleed and your mind will forever be seared with horrible images)

also, before i get started, i ask you not to judge..... seriously.
1. simba, to me, was very attractive. (no, i do not have a fetish for animals...) i basically had a mini crush on him and wanted to be his best friend. or boyfriend. haha. i was extremely jealous of nala... for obvious reasons. except when i was little, i only thought simba was cute when he was a little lion, and not a big lion. however, after watching it last weekend, i find big simba just as attractive now. again, no judging.
so basically. i wanted simba to be my first boyfriend. sadly, this did not happen.

2. as much as i hated the hyenas (cuz they help with scar, therefore automatically making them evil.), i couldn't help but want to be their friends. let's face it. they have funny jokes, and laugh a whole lot more than necessary.... story of my life.

3. hakuna matata! first off, second favorite scene in the movie. (first being can't wait to be king. duh.) second off.... you know how pumba and timon eat bugs? ok, obviously haha. well. those bugs looked and still look HIGHLY appetizing. so. around the age of 4, as i watching this movie i came to the conclusion of wow. bugs look tasty, "slimy, yet satisfying!" so what happens the next day while playing with chalk on my driveway the next day? i see a centipede. "slimy, yet satisfying!" runs though my head. i pick it up. i place it in my mouth. i chew it. it did not taste like chicken, and it was not "slimy, yet satisfying." oh and no worries. it was dead. probably fried up by the sun.
so, if i hadn't ever watched the lion king, i probably never would have eaten that bug and wouldn't be in this place today if it weren't for that bug.
ha jk lolz.

those are the top 3 ways the lion king has influenced my life. i hope you were highly entertained by me spilling my inner childhood secrets to you.
love, timba.
(if you didn't catch that, it's simba and tressa put together.... ;) )

Thursday, November 11, 2010


so i happened to restumble onto my blog again.

so many things have happened i don't even know where to start....

i think i last left off at... oh yeah. night before the first last day of school.

right now, senior year has been awesome. and stressful at the same time.

i think i'll just sum up each month...


i got hired at juice stop, my dream job. only problem, i worked every minute i wasn't either a.) dancing b.) schooling c.) fall show practicing d.) sleeping/eating/breathing. it was horribly stressful.

marching band was rocking and rolling, and we started learning pieces for our show (january 15, 2pm and 7pm at the orpheum: the princess, the sheik and the swordsman/chicago blues and red dancing shoes) i got the lead in chicago blues and red dancing shoes :) :) :) guess what my characters name is? sassy. awesome, i know.


extremely nice weather.

extremely busy.

lots of mband competitions.

made homecoming court! couldn't believe it. homecoming week was definitely a blast. we got a hummer limo for after coronation. 4 15" subs in the back. enough said. here's a pic of court, and i got the priviledge to be escorted in by my bestie josh. :)
lost our homecoming football game to roosevelt :/
marched the best marching band show ever at FOB finals, but placed 8th. couldn't believe it. it was always colder than hades heart that night.
got let go at juice stop, because i couldn't work the required 15-25 hours. to be honest, it was a huuuuuge relief.
fall show.... came together at the very last minute, like usual. lots of fun.
and then! all state choir in aberdeen :)
t'was a blast, however, we didn't get to leave a day early due to a snow storm, like last year. my quartet was awesome, yet again. (josh, elliYOT, and haley. wooooot.)
creepy, yet funny story. the tenor that sat in front of our quartet, who i swear, was 6 years old, was a creep. he constantly turned around, so the afternoon rehearsal of the first day, josh and i decided to make a tally of how many times he could turn around in a 4 hour period. we guessed around 100 times. wrong. after hour 2, he had turned around 122 times. thats sick. he would turn around while singing, whenever i said a comment to josh, whenever i sneezed, whenever josh hiccuped... the epitome of a creep. by supper time, the tally finished out at 187. grossed out? you should be. he figured out halfway through we were keeping a tally of something... but josh told him it was a hiccup count. big lol.
and now, november.
nominated for the mock presidential election by my class, and had some epic commercials. you should check them out here just scroll down til you find my name :)
but... apparently kyle had better commercials, cuz he ended up winning it. he put wayyyy more time and effort into it than my class did, so i wasn't too let down.
it was 70 degrees last weekend! ridiculous!! i love it though, i'm definitely not complaining.
i officially bought my formal dress today :) i'm very happy with the purchase, and can not wait to wear it. i, however, need to aquire a date asap. i'm not too worried, though.... haha.
and in the very near future.
as in, next week. i'm going to the harry potter premiere! woo woo woo wooooo! i'm so pumped.
there. all caught up now?
i'm sure i'll be back to fill you in on more detes in a month or two. or three.

Monday, August 16, 2010

i am a s. i am a s-e. i am a s-e-n-i-o-r.

hey guess what?
tomorrow's the first day of school.

guess what else?
i have 15 quotes left to reflect on.

what's that?
yes, i am procrastinating like a mo'fo. get my drift.

i finished lord of the freakin' flies last night around 1230.
i have yet to even start decorating my notebooks, let alone finish unpacking.
my senior year is going to start off on a fantastic note.

ps. you're looking at the latest juice stop junkie employee :)

so i guess i wasn't being entirely sarcastic about the fantastic note thing...

Saturday, July 24, 2010


obviously i'm having a very busy summer, doing everything from sleeping to rollercoasters at valleyfair to working to not doing summer reading. hahaha.

basically. a catcher in the rye was the very first book i checked out at the library this summer, and will probably be the last one to be turned in.

i leave for honor choir tomorrow. i will be extremely surprised if it lives up to last year's honor choir. cuz there won't be hilary and jenny, red jello, or the bench. :(
and a couple other things, but that's rather unnecessary. haha.

and next week after i come home, i'll have to pack up my entire room and say goodbye to the house i've lived in for 12 freakin' years. it's gonna be a rather difficult thing to do i think.

other than that. i have no excited news whatsoever. ta ta.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

just call me the phone breaker.

no really. i've been to verizon at least 3 times in the past month.
first, my voyager screen cracked. just from being in my bag.
then it started to open weird, and then the sound completely went out.


so i completely downgraded to the phone i used my 8th grade year.
but it started opening weird too! and then it completely basically broke in two.
and then the screen went black.

so i found an old enV. it works perfectly fine, but when someone calls me i can only talk to them with my phone on speaker phone. eh whatevs.

and my dance concert went excellent. i'm glad i had 2 lovely friends come watch me. wink. :)

anyways, i'm off to work. bye.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

summer is my drug.

summer brings out the best of me.
my productiveness level goes up soooo much. i wish i was as dedicated to homework and studying as i am to being productive around the house.

basically, i've done everything from scrubbing floors, to shopping, to downgrading to my phone of 4 years ago, to laying out... you know, summer stuff.

so, i'm off to do more... summer stuff.

oh, i'm gonna be in another car commercial tomorrow! yippee. my line is "wetzel's the place to go in richmond, indiannaohio." so simple.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010



i just had to blog my excitement real quick. the end.

blogging during school is more fun.

everyone. i'm blogging at school.
it's the last day of legit school.
tomorrow is just the academic awards. and then there's a small chance i might have to take a trig semester test. hopefully not.

summer is basically so close, i can taste it.

so this morning we practiced pomp and circumstance in band for graduation this sunday. i teared up a bit, cuz i realized the next time i hear this after this weekend, i'll be walking into graduation.
a quick story.
the band plays processional (pomp and circumstance) when the graduates walk in, and then a recessional when they leave. this remedial kid asked why we played the recessional, and not just the processional for the beginning and the end. seriously, kid? seriously? can you please use the brain god gave you? thanks.

i have +15 graduation parties to attend this saturday. my mom doesn't believe me, so i have to write out every single one i'm attending. honestly mom, it's just grad parties. i'm not gonna go have sex, get crunk, and do drugs. seriously. i'm smarter than that.

anyways. i just wanted to have the bragging rights of saying "i've blogged at school, sucker."
plus the bell's gonna ring.
off to my last school lunch of the year!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


i smell of suntan lotion and grass clippings.
because i just mowed the lawn.
it's a whopping 82 degrees right now, and the sun is shining bright.

if this is a preview to how awesome my summer is, i am so pumped.

starting the note off:
i made honors choir! i guess my tryout went alot better than i thought it did. i was one point away from scoring perfect on my solo (55/56), made 4 sight reading mistakes, and got 3/7 right on tonal memory, and then 100% on the written test.

tonal memory can go s a d.

i finally got more working hours in this past weekend. it's going pretty good, and i only sat a wrong table once :)

the only bad news i can think of is end of the semester stress. like always.
and i'm tired. like always.
and glee is not that exciting. not like always.
glee: come on, pull it together and start singing better songs. thanks.

a nap is calling to me...

Friday, May 7, 2010

i figured i should make one last post before i turn the big 1-7.
i love birthdays.
birthdays are my favorite.
especially when you have funny/really artistic friends, because the homemade birthday cards are the best then :)

but here's the thing. come a week or 2 before my birthday and the weather is superb. come the day or day of my birthday? poop weather. always. i just want some nice weather on my birthday for once! jeez!

on another note, i have 18 days left of being a junior. holy buck.

anyways, i have friends to do and plans to see.
wait a second...

Monday, May 3, 2010

i did the bv band awards potluck challenge.

just putting it down in the records:

i ate the most food i've ever eaten in my entire life in one sitting tonight.
*runs to the toilet and throws up.*

not really.
but i'm not gonna feel good tomorrow morning. at all. :/

k-dog announced next years marching band show tonight!

how awesome is that? and we're going to have props on the field. bv marching lynx never uses props...

also, the sky is a rainbow right now. and the clouds are doing this really cool swirly thing.
---i love the view out my window :)

i'm skidaddlin'. bye bye!

ps. 5 days and i can finally buy tickets to "R" movies.

i opened my first checking out today. i feel so grown up and responsible.
ha, but not really.
the people behind the counter were remedial, i swear. i was there for 34 mins.
my mom says i shouldve been in and out within 10. stupid people.

anyways. other things are calling to me...

Sunday, May 2, 2010


forewarning: this is going to be more of a rant, instead of a post.

first off, my sister can't take a joke at all. last night, i decided to show her my facebook love and comment on +30 of her profile pictures. and no, they weren't even all sassy remarks! they were nice, some sarcastic, you know... typical sisterly love. i click back to my facebook profile and what's posted?


from my sister.

i saw she was online, so i told her, hey, it was just joking around, nothing serious k?
she starts ranting at me saying she woke up due to +50 text messages from facebook.
well i'm sorry... maybe you should learn to silence your phone, and second off facebook mobile? you've gotten be joking me.
and then she responded with, just wait til i get you back, but not in the same way.

thanks, [censored].

also. my next topic of rant is the parade.
i hate the loyalty day parade with a passion.
everyone's always crabby and tired, and it's a long parade.
therefore my arms always hurt really bad, and my feet get blisters.

i just want to stay home sleep :( that isn't too much to ask for!

and we have a showing for our house today, which meant i had to hurry home and clean the house. so now the house reeks of chemicals, which is only good if you like getting high.
i don't.

but guess what? i turn 17 in 6 days. bazing!
fiddy fiddy cent ya'll.

Monday, April 26, 2010

don't make me over.

usually i post a title at the end of a blog. this time i'm posting it at the beginning, because it's the song i'm listening to, and i adore this song.

first off, it reminds me of someone. and this is stupid, because i've talked to this person only a handful of times. but it's a good song, and a funny person, so it's worth semi-dedicating this blog to that person.

i'm fretting about things right now. things like:

-texting. . .


-my messy room that i refuse to clean.

-chipped nails that i refuse to paint.

-my lost deodorant that i refuse to go on a hunt for. and that was a bad idea for today. haha.

ps, i don't even care if that was tmi. it's my blog, and i blog about what i want.

oh and i forgot to mention. the musical next year is 42nd St. i'm pumped. it's all set in the 1920's and with alot of tapping. i'll keep you updated if i read anymore information.

and i'd like to take this time to personally thank my dear friend mirds for things.

wanna see a really sassy picture of us? yes, you do.
turkey makes you sassy, i guess.
speaking of which. i forgot to mention how i basically wasted alot of food at turkey supper. because i thought i was really hungry, but then it turned out i wasn't.
...that's me being remedial.
i'm gonna go now...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

time flies when even when you aren't having fun.

guess what? i turn 17 in 13 days. just thought you guys would want to know.

also, i sang i dreamed a dream last night with the band.
my mom told me she never knew i could sing.
i found this ironic, considering i sing in the shower all the time.

this is the last week of april, and then the last month of school begins.
where did time go?
my stomach kind of dropped a little bit, because i don't like the endings of things.
but i do like the beginnings of new things, like summer. i'm gonna make this the best summer ever. i'm starting a to do list. if i feel like it, i'll maybe post it. don't count on it though.

but i guess we're going to bdubs. i haven't eaten in a good 17 hours. bye.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

the list consisting of things not to do. ever.

oh the weather outside is not frightful...
thank goodness. it's lovely out.

i made a list for you all, too.

never ever ever:
-wear black jeans on warm sunny days.
-eat wasabi peas.
-have a teacher ask why the inside of your bag is so interesting... cough cough.
-have a bfffffff leave for washington, dc. they're bound to never return.
-not go to bed...
-forget to clean litter boxes. yuck.
-lose your favorite pair of jeans.
-gauge your skin because you were shaving too quickly and carelessly.
-get an F on a physics test.
-drink and drive.
-and ditch class.

scratch that last one. haha. i did indeed ditch last period yesterday. only because it was band, and we had a study hall cuz goheen got food poisoning. no use sitting around when you could be home and sleeping right? right.

i gotta go paint my fingernails. and creep. and look for a new outfit for turkey supper. and take my sister to dance. and figure out when i'm working. and study vocab.

Friday, April 16, 2010

never wear a skirt on a windy day.

auditions suck.
i had honor choir auditions today.
they were good.
besides the fact that i forgot the second phrase of my solo, so i just repeated it.
tonal memory was way harder. but i do think i got a couple right.
sight reading was harder. but i think i got the relative minor right.

i can not believe i forgot my lyrics. again. it happened once at solo contest, i thought for sure it'd be the last time. guess not. oh well, i just kept singing so hopefully that helped me out.

also, the judge asked if i was in peter pan.
when i nodded and said yes, she added, "the one with the curley hair?"
i replied, "haha, yep. tiger lilly!"
she added, "excellent job! excellent!"

so... i'll get back to you when the results come in...

ps. i guarantee the entire world say my snoopy underwear today, due to the fact i wore a skirt on the windiest day of the year. my life rocks.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

faac you.

greetings from the most tired person in the world.
or close to the most tired.

it's my fault anyways, because i've decided to go to bed by 1 am this entire week. the week after musical. when did i become stupid? just recently, i guess.

the musical was indeed a success... and i'm patiently awaiting for the announcement of next years musical. i'll let you know as soon as i know. :)

first thunderstorm of 2010 was last night! it was excellent. big lightning, loud thunder, and pouring rain. yum.

prom's this weekend. i ironed my dress tonight. and found a couple of stains on it. just my luck, right? yeah. oh well, they aren't too bad... i hope. i practiced doing my hair how i want to do it prom day. it turned out sweet-ish, but took me 2 1/2 hours. i do not have that kind of time on saturday, considering i have dance from 930-1 that morning. and the pictures at 430. yikes.

also, i have a faacing stalker. someone left me a note on my car that said "this girl is hott." creepy, i know.

i'm off. ta ta.

Monday, April 5, 2010

bohemian rhapsody.

prom is exactly 12 days away. and my prom dress finally freakin' came. with no alterations needed. life loves me, but only sometimes.

speaking of prom, we settled on a restaurant we're going to eat at. grille26! i've never eaten there, but i guess it's excellent food, says my bffffffffff atones. and apparently it's also on the spendy side, said my date. so he told me to order cheap food. then he also told me he was kidding. haha, he's a funny person.

the play opens for it's first matinee on wed. i'm. so. pumped.
besides the fact that all the blood vessels in my left food popped today at practice, because some clumsy idjit fell over on me where i was laying. he also grabbed my boobs. but i'm used to that, so it didn't bother me too much.
i hope to god you got drift of my heavy sarcasm...

i got around to downloading some new tunes for the pod. which i was terribly afraid had broken, because it locked up on me. but it's all good now. i've decided my new favorite song is definitely bohemian rhapsody. i don't care if it reminds anyone of you guys (this is all hypothetically speaking of course....) of running around in circles during middle school gym class or shooting hoops in open gym, or a mexican bar on new year's eve. so just shut your faces and deal with it.

also, i was on the laptop for hours on end into the early hours of this morning last night watching youtube videos. one of the videos i happened to watch was lady gaga's latest music vid with beyonce. basically, lady gaga dances naked/in a thong and breaks outta jail with the help of beyonce. after that they go to a diner and kill everyone. WTF. and if you haven't watched it yet... watch it. now.

sorry to cut the blog short today, but i really need to go study for the act i'm apparently taking this weekend, do some trig, sleep... you know the drill.

and really, i'm not even going on facebook now. that's how much stuff i have to do.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

let's go tanning?

my prom dress has yet to make an appearance.
prom is exactly 18 days away. hopefully no alterations are needed.
that is, if it even comes.

over the past week and a half, my stomach has been doing weird things. i can't eat anything without getting a stomachache afterwards. and then it gets extremely bloated. for every single meal, this is how it's been. my mom thinks it might be just a case of nausea, but i don't know. i'm thinking i'm in need of a doctor visit.

today in honors, i sat down in my chair and fell off. then bumped my noggin on the chair next to me. i have a bump on my head. haha, not my most impressive story but whatevs.

also, it excites me greatly to be watching tv and see new episodes of afv. i've seen all the episodes multiple times. i'm planning on sending in a video, as soon as i get a funny one some how. hmm...

quarter 4 has officially started.
it was 75 degrees today.
i wore sandals for the first time last week.
i painted my toe nails.
--it's spring time, that's for sure :)

and i almost forgot! i went tanning for the first time yesterday.
as terrible as it is for you, it was awesome.
i went with my good ol' friend mirds. she had never gone tanning either.
so we went to YRB and had this extremely tan girl show us how to work the beds.
it's easy:
1. get nakes/put lotion on within the 5 min prep timer.
-i had this sparkling, yummy smelling lotion. i love it.
2. put on tantoo sticker, if wanted.
-i did the classic heart one.
3. set radio.
-i forgot to do this, i had more important things to think about.
4. push blue button, then climb on in.
-i climbed in, but then i figured the top would automatically come down. not.
5. put glasses on.
-i had glasses without string, so i could see outta the corner of my eyes. i was afraid my eyeballs would burn off, so i kept them shut the entire time.

apparently that's all you have to do. but i was worried i forgot to set a timer or something, so i counted the entire time i was in there for 6 minutes. i got to 4 mins and 30 secs then the bed shut off. i figure i counted to slow. haha.

anyways. i felt fan-freakin'-tastic afterwards. why did i not go tan like once this winter?! i felt like i was on a beach or something. and you can already see my tantoo. yippee.

oh, and don't worry, i'm not going to become a tan bed addict. i promise. it's just to break through my iridescent whiteness for prom.

off to go screw around some more.
and by that i mean creep on facebook. haha.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

what's funny?

prepare yourselves for an epic post!

k, so bo finally! came.
it. was. awesome.
words can't even describe how awesome march 17, 2010 was.
anyways his show was hilarious.
but the best part was when he started to play "i'm bo yo." and i leaned over to ali and said yes! really loud. (we were in the front row. win.) bo stopped playing, looked at me and said
"but you know, all the chords to my songs are all the same, so how do you know what song i'm going to sing?" and then broke out into single ladies.
for all of you that don't know, I LOVE BEYONCE.
it was like a dream come true.
afterwards we waited around hoping bo might come out.
turns out, he did!
we walked over and introduced us as the "girls off of youtube. you told us we ruled" ect. ect.
then asked if he got the bo knows shirt we sent him.
he did.
then he signed my shirt and i got a picture with him.
my life's been completed, in other words.

here's the lovely pic of all of us in our kick ass shirts and bo towering over us.

and another update from my last post, i did indeed find a prom date. mrs. sittig won't have to feel bad. haha.

also, then weather has been superb up here. (minus today, haha.)
i can't wait for summer.

19 days til opening night of peter pan.
70ish days til summer.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"who can touch t-lilly the most?"


extremely tiresome week. but guess what? we have a late start tomorrow! and not one due to weather! this is the best news i've gotten in a long while.

while on the subject of weather, i feel it important to note that march did indeed come in "like a lamb." it's been +35 degrees this entire week! which, sadly, means it will go out "like a lion." or in other words, a snow storm. fml.
let's see if this word of wisdom holds true...

tuesday night i went to a physics extra credit movie. we watched finding nemo. how does finding nemo relate to physics, you ask? don't ask me. haha. anyways. it was fun. we pushed the desks up against the lab tables and brought pillows and blankets and tons of candy. and then laughed at completely not funny portions of the movie. yay for mature people. ;) i ended up falling asleep in the end.

lately, i've been working on the "habenera" from the opera carmen for my chorus solo. turns out, french kicks my butt. solo contest is in exactly 11 days. and i have yet to memorize. crap crap crap.

also. it appears to me that i have fallen in love with a 9 year old, caden.
ok, not really. but he is so gosh darn cute. he's one of the lost boys in peter pan, and he reminded me of a caucasian version of russell. (you know, off of up?) k, well, i love russell. therefore, i love caden. but whenever i see him and say, "hi caden!" he gives me a dirty look and runs away. it's true love i tell you. haha. actually i hear he's quite the little bully. my friend julia's little brother, mason, told me caden beats him up. que asco. :(

speaking of peter pan, today i was sitting in the auditorium next to bridget and melissa waiting for our scenes, when i suddenly feel a poke. i turn around and see this little boy scurrying away from me. little whykus leans forward and tells me the lost boys have created a game of "who can touch t-lilly the most." just my luck. so i now have little kids constantly trying to poke me.

and you know whats not kicking my butt now? physics! i got an -a on my test yesterday! wahoo!

13 days till bo.
89 days (including weekends) until school is out.
life's not too bad after all, i guess. :)

wait. i just remembed tomorrow is friday. and friday is the day i was planning on asking someone to prom.... shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
another story: today in honors, mrs. sittig was getting ready to explain something so she started saying "boys..." then paused. i filled the pause by making the most credible gagging noise ever, to which some people started laughing at. but to my horror, mrs. sittig turns to me and says, "now tressa! do you even have a prom date?"
*cue tressa's cheeks to turn bright red.*
i shake my head. she looks back at me and says, "ohhh! well. you're pretty! ha ha..."
*and then under her breath she adds*
"man oh man, i'm going to feel awful if you don't get a date."
great. please wish me luck.

anyways. i'm going to go register for the april ACT, order my prom dress, and order some new dance clothes. then read my new seventeen. just my kind of night.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

is there such a thing as junioritis?

i'm blogging 2 days in a row. this will probably never happen again.

anyways. i woke up to my alarm completely sweaty. because i had an awful dream. i was being chased by bears off a cliff. it was way more scary than it sounds. haha.
after that i zipped off to church to sing songs with little kids. this turned out to be awful, because my friend miranda was at her grandma's. which meant no guitar. which meant crazy kids. which meant tressa went darn near insane. but don't worry, i didn't go insane. i instead went to church and saw the cutest darn baby there ever was. he was chubby and had spiky hair. and his name was rigley. now, i understand that he's not gonna like his parents when he gets to his 40's and his name is rigley, but my gosh. HE WAS SO ADORABLE.

i also went sledding this afternoon. win.
and my sister spelt GAY in the snow. you could read it from the highway. funny.

so tonight i got a weird craving for frooties. you know, fruit flavored tootsie rolls, except better? yeah, so i went to hyvee to the candy aisle to find my little treasures and what happens?
no frooties.
so i just purchased a big bag of blow pops, 2 heath bars, and a york patty. can't go wrong there i guess.

also, i've caught senioritis. and i'm not a senior. i can only imagine how lazy i'll be when i am a senior. oh great.

in my last post, i stated how i have yet to find a prom date.
sometimes, i wish i was already famous, because famous people always get what they want. then i would be able to get a prom date and the dress of my dreams.
oh well...

i'll just tell the wonderful story of how i found my prom dress:

actually, i won't.
but here's a picture!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

good news.

hello boys and girls.

i woke up this morning feeling fantastic. which is funny, considering i got zip sleep last night.

i've got a huuuuge list of good news. brace yourselves:

-we got a superior and ensemble awards at one acts. and the judges told me i did a wonderful job.
-i went skiing in the black hills and only ate snow once! yay!
-peter pan auditions have come and gone. i got tiger lilly. i'm definitely pumped.
-i'm finally all caught up in all my school work.
-i've learned all the french to the habenera. my chorus solo piece. yikes. haha.
-i've had zip homework for the past 5 days. win.
-i was in the talent show last night. i did a dance routine, and didn't fall on my face.
-i found a prom dress. however, not a prom date...

anyways. i just thought i'd spread my cheery mood around the blogger community.

a further note:
bo comes in exactly 19 days. yes yes yes.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

yet another snow day.

thank the lord for snow days. i would have died today, had there not been one.

let me explain why.

1. i had a "five" day weekend. haha, well not really. but really. it was semester tests thursday and friday, and i was exempt from taking them. (although i did take honors, just to boost my grade a bit) except heres the thing. i woke up 7:15 am thursday morning to fit in enough time to study for honors before my bang trim at 12, and then play practice at 2. i also needed to get in to my honors teacher to ask questions. and then friday morning i had play practice at 6:30 in the am! it was ridiculous! but it's ok, because the wife and i got fpf (also known as heaven) and then jammed to beyonce before going into the pac. after that i took the honors final. which i found out after taking it that my grade would have been fine, without taking it. great. oh well, i got an a minus, so it just improved my grade by that much. yay. but by then, my sugar high had worn off from fpf, and i hit the wall with sooo much tiredness. i then slept for a good hour and a half, when atones called me, wanting to know if i'd watch fame with her. it was awesome! (ps, asher book. ooofta.) after she left, i slept some more, then hung out with mirds that night. we did nothing but go to taco bell and sit around. it's what i like to call a good friday night. :)

so with those 2 days combined on 0 sleep due to waking up earlier than i do for school, i was a wee bit tired.

2. saturday, i woke up around 545-6 am to go feed god's starving children. basically the four hour bus ride consisted of me putting in my earphones and sleeping in an uncomfortable position, which made my butt constantly fall asleep. ouch. after a good 5 hours of standing on my feet, we then hit up moa for some power shopping. my favorite part was urban outfitters. soooo many attractive workers there. mm. haha. anyways, i purchased a cardigan with a rose pattern on it. i like it. after shopping we went ice skating at the depot. it was a blast. i miss ice skating. but anyways, from all the standing, walking, and ice skating, my feet were dying. seriously. we left around 1045, but because i was so overly tired and uncomfortable, it was almost impossible for me to fall asleep. so when we got home around 3, i sped on home to jump in to my wonderful bed. i slept soundly until 845, when i had to get up to go to the church. afterwards, i came home ate then packed for the road trip to sdsu to visit my unbiological smokin' hot non lesbian older sister! wooot!

3. so sunday was good once i got up to sdsu, besides the fact that i didn't go to bed until almost 3. oops. and considering i only slept in until 930, you could say i was dragging wagon. we ate at perkins, which was sooo freakin' good. i wanted to sleep for the rest of my life afterwards, and not drive back to brandon for play practice.. but i did. it wasn't too bad.

anyways. i woke up tuesday morning for 6:30 play practice again feeling like i hadn't slept in forever. which is an almost true statement. haha.

so point of this long as butt story is, i'm glad today was a snow day, because then i can devote to sleeping alllllll dayyyy longggg. well, that and blogging. and watching movies.
haha, i'm currently watching house bunny. is it sad to say it's one of my new favorite stupid movies? just a bit.

i smell corned beef hash. s'later.

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like a magpie, i live for glitter. not you.